Friday, 26 June 2009

Blame it on the boogie.

Wow, Michael Jackson is dead.

The reaction to his death has been quite literally overwhelming. Facebook was flooded with statuses such as 'MJ is dead', 'OMG, a legend has died' and 'RIP MJ'.

The LA Times probably used Facebook as an official source.

All due respect to the man and his family and friends - death is always a tragedy.

However, I must alleviate the sheer pressure that has been put on my brain by all the annoying, attention-seeking ignoramuses of this world.

Firstly, I love how, all of sudden, people are on nickname terms with 'MJ'. Oh silly me, they must have known him personally - been BFFs, chatted on MSN or something. But part of me is suspicious that these numbnuts just don't know how to spell Michael; is it A before E, or E before A? Hmmmm, Tricky.

Secondly, (and here's where I state the obvious) every sodding day millions of people die in horrific ways, not a sin to their name, undeserving and afraid and most importantly without a penny to leave to their children and families. Not to mention a multi-million dollar empire. But does anyone devote their evenings to mourning the deaths and praising the lives of these people? These strangers? No. No they do not. Because if you don't know someone, it is incredibly easy to distance yourself from their death - it's human nature! We are a selfish species! So why is it that we are all selfish and oblivious until the death is that of someone who has given us some chart-toppers? Then all of a sudden people are reverential and self-righteous.

Don't get me wrong - Mr Jackson did a lot for the entertainment industry and to his fans I'm sure he was an idol, an inspiration - all that jazz. I feel for his family. But to those people who have been damning the jokes and quips that have been circulating the web, you obviously have not suffered enough personal bereavement. I absolutely resent the fact that anyone should be attacked for not 'respecting' his death. It's not disrespect! Perhaps it's just indifference. But I didn't know the feller!

If the general public put as much energy into worrying about poverty, starvation and hatred than they have put into mourning a celebrity that they didn't even know, we'd be making steps towards a better nicer globe, innit.

Oh how I love to jump up onto my high horse. But seriously, people annoy me.

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