Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The world is my oyster?

It has dawned on me recently that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Apparently I am still but young and I have all the time in the world to figure it out. I believe, however, that this is far from true. In only a years time I will be submitting my applications to university. The course I choose will very much shape my future but I when I see myself in ten years time there is no inkling of a career. My family have had me labelled as a lawyer pretty much since I learnt how to argue. The Spanish and the drama seem like things I want to be doing for the rest of my life but I don't think I have the courage to take the plunge and commit myself to joining the millions of other Kate Winslet wannabes. If anyone has any bright ideas please email them to destinedtoscrubtoilets@hoplesscase.com

I have handed in my English coursework. At last. I would very much like to thank two people who have managed to prevent me from possibly committing suicide in the last few days, by bludgering myself to death with my copy of Hamlet. Just when it seemed that hope was very much dwindling, the Natty Chap sent me a message full of inspirational thoughts and the lark. That kept me going for another day if not more. So ta. And then, when I reached the second trough of my Hamlet roller coaster, my beloved cowboy swooped by and sat with me for a good four hours until we had finished the blasted thing, bibliography and all. So hoorah. Bill Shakespeare was a wily one and I'd like to think that, somewhere, he is having a good old chortle at how much angst his epic of a play has caused me.

In other news, my Nana has broken her foot falling down the stairs. I love my Nana to little tiny pieces. You wouldn't believe it but she's 80 this year. Grandparents are such a blessing and I wouldn't be without my Nana. When my Dad-dad died (I couldn't say Grandad as a baby, so Dad-dad seemed the obvious choice!) it could've been easy to give up. But instead she honours him by making sure that not a day goes by that we don't forget how clever and funny and bloomin' talented he was.

A random entry today, my mind is wandering. It's more fun that way though.

"The word triumph starts with 'try' and ends with? That's right! A big ol' 'UMPH'!"
This is my favourite quote. Use it wisely.


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