Christmas approaches. Shopping, eating, presents, more eating, family and a bit more eating. Despite the popular opinion that Christmas originated as an occasion to celebrate the birth of Christ, I maintain that it is in fact a way to make us all FAT and POOR for January. But I love Christmas from my toes to my fingertips and I am really bloody excited about it now. This year, I've opted for brown paper and red ribbon to wrap my presents. What an interesting fact for you all. Not.
I am eighteen which means I can go and get slammed on Christmas eve! Haha! Brilliant. Being 18 hasn't really done anything for me though. I don't feel more mature and I don't look older neither. But it means that we're at that age now when important wotsits, such as university and student loans, are speedily approaching. AAAAAH. RUN. We're not ready for these scary life progressions. I may suggest that we bar ourselves inside the sixth form centre with a life supply of baked beans and microwave meals. We would be safe from exams and offers and applications. Fingers crossed for all my wonderfully clever friends - Hopefully everyone recieves the offer they are after.
Wind In The Willows has been marvellous. Exhausting and time consuming yes, but brilliant and fun and lovely too. The best bit is that even us chorus members (and there's a good few of us..) have been able to feel rather important cos it's such an ensemble show. Having said that, the principles are obviously the most amazing and we all bask in their shiny shiny glow - the show would not be existent without them. UP TAILS ALL! And whilst performances have been taking place, rehearsals for The Penelopiad have been going...let's say...interestingly? I wouldn't go as far as 'well' but it's definitely not awful. This could be a very strangely strange show - A Mrs Comrie special - watch this space.
I'd like to be under the sea, in an octupus's garden in the shade. Itunes is on shuffle - my favourite. I love the beatles.